
Gardening Tips with Kylie

Kylie joined us for an online meetup today and generously gave of her time to share her garden tips. We learned about not over watering, how to grow companion plants and what plants are good for the bees!

Her top three tips for inexperienced gardeners are:

  • Start with seedlings rather than seeds if you’re not particularly patient….:)
  • Choose something easy which is right for the climate
  • A north facing garden bed is best
Lavender and bees – a match made in heaven
Natives bring lorikeets and other birds

Zoom meetings

ZOOM with us!

During the 2021 Lockdown, SPFN has been holding regular zoom meetings, based around a theme or topics, including Family Trivia. From the end of lockdown, these will transition to monthly meetings. Join our Meetup or Facebook groups to stay informed!

Our last weekly one is this Saturday 9th October at 4pm on Gardening tips, after which we will move to monthly meetings online or “IRL”!